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Good Nutrition Can Keep You Well

Lack of proper nutrition may be linked to 90 percent of all physical ailments. * Proper Nutrition Can Prevent Many Illnesses

The biggest epidemic in America may be the lack of nutrients that comes from excess sugar consumption and makes the body susceptible to metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health problems in one person. Although doctors don’t completely understand its cause, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) appears to be a likely suspect. This sweetener shows up in most processed foods and drinks.

Recent evidence suggests a large amount of HFCS in the diet might alter your metabolism in a way that increases the risk for illnesses that make up “metabolic syndrome.”

Studies Back HFCS Theory in Illnesses In one study of more than 6,000, people who drank at least one soft drink each day had a higher risk for developing health problems compared with people who did not. Some scientists think the main culprit is the high-fructose corn syrup sweetener in these drinks.

Another study found women who had one or more sugary drinks a day were almost twice as likely to develop diabetes as women who did not.

HFCS Depletes Body’s Nutrients High fructose corn syrup depletes the body’s ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and causes many functions in the body to come to a standstill. HFCS can contribute to diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity and cardiovascular disease. It also triggers resistance to insulin, the cause of type 2 diabetes.

Other problems that occur when the body is forced to process large amounts of HFCS can be fatty liver, high blood pressure, artery disease, kidney troubles and high uric acid levels — the health problems that make up metabolic syndrome.

New Choices Can End Metabolic Syndrome Dietitian Gale Maleskey reports pre-diabetes, a symptom of metabolic syndrome, can be reversed with con centrated effort on several fronts. She offers the following recommendations:

  • Exercise. Sustained low-to-moderate aerobic exercise is best. Work up to about 45 minutes, six days a week. Exercise reduces insulin resistance in muscle cells and lowers blood sugar levels. It also helps you to lose weight and keep it off.
  • Cut back on sugar and refi ned carbohydrates. Instead, eat reasonable-size portions, lots of vegetables, salads, and fresh, broiled fish, fruit for dessert, and olive oil as the main fat.
  • Take supplements. Chromium is an essential mineral that can significantly improve glucose tolerance and even increase the number of insulin receptors on cells.

Magnesium: In one study, people who got the most magnesium (most took supplements) cut their risk for pre-diabetes by about 30 percent. Magnesium also is associated with lower blood pressure and triglycerides, smaller waist circumference and higher HDL cholesterol.

Vitamin D: Low blood levels of vitamin D interfere with the proper function of insulin-producing cells. Fish oil: Fish oil improves insulin sensitivity and lowers triglycerides.

Biotin: This B vitamin also enhances insulin sensitivity. Take biotin as part of a high-B complex or multivitamin.

“Think of pre-diabetes as an early warning signal,” said Maleskey. “Exercise, dietary changes and nutritional supplements can all help you keep your blood sugar normal.”*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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