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Donald T Duke ALTRUM Dealer 295 Tomahawk Blvd Cadiz, KY 42211 Fax: 270-522-0512 |
Welcome to Natural Sunflower Health Products Featuring ALTRUM Nutritional Supplements. Our mission is to provide first-class, high quality products for your journey to better health.
Natural Sunflower is an authorized dealer website for ALTRUM products, made and distributed by AMSOIL, INC. If you are looking for the best in all natural nutritional and mineral supplements for your family's health and well-bring, we believe you can find it here. The ALTRUM division of AMSOIL INC has been supplying customers these high quality products since 1983. AMSOIL / ALTRUM also offers a solid business opportunity with minimal start up expense. Please contact us about our dealer opportunities. |
Natural Nutritional Supplements |
Health News You Can Use Prevention Can Turn the Tide of Rising Healthcare Costs*
Business journals have chronicled the rise in healthcare costs for the past 30 years. The U.S. spends more per capita than any other nation on its medical care, at 17.5 percent of the gross domestic product. Individuals increasingly are looking for ways to cut their healthcare costs.
The old proverb states “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” But true preventive medicine is not the early detection screenings, according to physician and journalist Abraham Verghese in the Wall Street Journal article, “The Myth of Prevention.” “If your preventive strategy is medical, if it involves us, if it consists of screening, fi nding medical conditions early, shaking the bushes for high cholesterols, or abnormal EKGs, then more often than not you don’t save anything and you might generate more medical costs.”
What Is True Prevention? True preventive care advises the individual to make lifestyle choices that establish normal health and avoid chronic health problems.
Individuals can make lifestyle and dietary choices that pay true health dividends. This is a practical fi rst step to our nation’s runaway healthcare costs.
Other Health News Briefs
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
The role of vitamins and nutritional supplements in the restoration of male potency Today, about half of men aged 50-55 begin to experience problems with potency - it is a natural, albeit an unpleasant feature of the male body. But for a number of reasons, young people also experience declining libido.
What vitamins are needed for men's health?
Of course, there are a lot of medications and daily supplement for men's health. But also a lot of vitamins and substances, necessary to increase the potency, can be obtained from dishes and foods.
- Vitamins of group B are necessary for stimulation of muscular activity. These vitamins, which increase potency, are found in legumes, fatty meats and yogurt.
- Vitamin C is not only responsible for improving immunity, but it also takes part in the process of blood formation, increases vascular permeability and tones the body as a whole.
- Vitamin D is also needed by the endocrine system. Apathy and fatigue arise with a lack of this vitamin in men. There can be no talk about sex in such a mood of course, Moreover, testosterone production depends on vitamin D.
- Vitamin E is one of the most necessary for the male body. Thanks to this vitamin, the work of the thyroid gland is normalized, the thinning of blood vessels and capillaries is prevented. But most importantly, it is responsible for the stable work of the sex glands.
Vitamins to improve potency are found in large quantities in aphrodisiac products. These include nuts, seafood, legumes, honey, ginger, mushrooms etc.
Unlike vitamins, "Cialis" gives an instant effect.
It is worth noting the almost instant effect of these pills. The effect of Cialis is noticeable within 10-20 minutes after taking. Also do not forget about the duration of the effect. The use of these tablets allows you to have sex at any convenient time for 36 hours. We should also note, that "Cialis" is perfectly combined with various nutritional supplements. And taking vitamins will only positively affect male strength and improve the effect of Cialis.
Another positive factor is that the effect of the medication occurs only after sexual arousal. Consequently, men do not have to feel awkward and uncomfortable due to strong over-stimulation before sex. For many men, the fact that ?Cialis? is effective even after drinking a small amount of alcohol - is a huge advantage.
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Our Philosophy
At ALTRUM, we strongly believe aging need not equate with “winding down.” Except for cases where chronic disorders exist, there is no reason to accept anything less than optimal health and vitality in our later years. Most chronic disorders can be avoided if a conscious daily “self care” regimen is implemented early enough in life. ALTRUM provides the very best in nutritional supplements to rejuvenate, regenerate and renew.*